Hosted By

Ashvin Melwani

Co-Founder & CMO of Obvi

Ronak Shah

Co-Founder & CEO of Obvi | EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2022


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Episode description

Ron & Ash discuss two of the biggest metrics brands should have dialed in. Learn how Obvi improved CAC by over 50% and increased their LTV over the years to really scale the brand.

By comparing CAC to LTV, a business can determine if they are generating a sufficient return on investment from their customer acquisition efforts.Together, CAC and LTV provide a comprehensive view of your business's customer acquisition and retention strategies and their effectiveness. By tracking and analyzing these metrics, a business can optimize their operations to drive growth and profitability.

Listen to find out

  • Pivoting your focus from AOV to LTV 
  • How to analyze your marketing metrics and cut CAC in half 
  • Personalizing the customer experience to delight shoppers and increase LTV